Learn how a local climate change Trust is helping Botswana reach its Climate Adaption pledge by 2030.

About this event
Green Botswana is climate change Trust that has a series of public interest campaigns to help Botswana reach its Climate Adaption pledge by 2030.
Through the renewables of tree planting, recycling and re-purposing, we are set to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals #13 Climate Action. Our main focus is to create a culture of community, accountability and collegiality using community tree planting and sustainability. Our strategic placement of trees in urban areas can cool the air by between 2C – 8C, and with the help of the general public we are set to achieve that goal by 2050.
Working in partnership with the governments Department of Forestry and Range Resources, we aim to plant 1 million trees in peri-urban communities by 2030. To date, with the help of the community we have planted over 2000 trees in villages- 1000 being fruit trees. In today’s social-distanced world our efforts have been reduced but we have still made it possible to fight against climate change. In a bid to create a public interest campaign, , we look to engage Ministries, organisations and private sector, to cover Sustainable Development Goal #17 Partnership for the Goals.
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